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Book a Sleepover Party in your own home to discuss all things childhood sleep...



What is included in the 'Sleepover'?


💤 3 Hours with a Certified Sleep Consultant in your own home 


💤 15 Minute pre-evaluation call with each attendee 


💤 Preliminary questionnaire per attendee 


💤 Individual sleep plans for each child


💤 Sleep packs covering a range of topics


Prior to the 'sleepover':


I would call each attendee to discuss any sleep issues that they are currently facing with their Little Darling's.


I will also send each person an in-depth sleep questionnaire to really dig deep into what is currently happening for each of you.


I will then write each child a personalised sleep plan that will have instructions for naps (if applicable), bedtime, night wakings and early morning wake ups.


I will address any particular issues you are facing and give you a detailed plan to tackle those issues.


If any attendee would like a plan for multiple children then there would be a surcharge of £10 per extra child.


During your 'sleepover' event:


I would discuss the problems that you are all facing with your Little Darlings, discuss the Sleep Plans that I have personalised for each child as well as giving you the tools needed to implement the changes.


I would also talk about common issues, things to watch out for and the science of sleep.


I want you to be empowered with all of the tools and knowledge needed to go forwards ensuring better sleep for your entire family.


After your 'sleepover' event:


You will leave the 'sleepover' with a clear picture of how to create as well as maintaining healthy sleep habits for your Little Darling's.


You will have knowledge around the science of sleep and know what to look out for in the future. 


You are more than welcome to wear PJ's, bring snacks, drinks and make a day/night of it!


🎉Cheer's to a better night's sleep!


This sleepover can be booked for daytime and evenings only (not over night) and travel expenses outside a 25 mile radius of NG22 will be applicable.



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