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Gemma Reynolds
Nov 9, 20225 min read
Eight Tips for Easing Separation Anxiety
Raising children is a huge responsibility, and in the age of social media as well as easy access to information about literally anything,...

Gemma Reynolds
Nov 1, 20224 min read
How Light Affects Baby's Sleep
I once read that Matthew McConaughey stated that it was pretty simple having a baby because they "they crap, they sleep, and if they're...

Gemma Reynolds
Oct 20, 20223 min read
Daylight Savings- How to cope with older children?
When we change up our babies’ sleep schedules to account for the semiannual time change, sleep experts like myself typically recommend...

Gemma Reynolds
Oct 13, 20223 min read
Daylight Savings Tips
If I had my way, there would not be a daylight savings time. I think it really does affect not only children’s sleep patterns but adults,...

Gemma Reynolds
Sep 29, 20224 min read
Why Does My Baby Take Such Short Naps?
Ok, so would you rather have a baby that is waking up in the night 6 times or a baby that is only taking 30-40 minute naps during the...

Gemma Reynolds
Sep 12, 20225 min read
Keeping Your Toddler From Leaving The Room
Getting your child to sleep through the night is a life changing event at least it certainly was for me. When your baby is waking every...

Gemma Reynolds
Sep 8, 20225 min read
Dummy and Sleep
Let me start by saying that I am not strictly anti dummy... What mum could be? We have all been saved from major meltdowns by a quick pop...

Gemma Reynolds
Aug 29, 20225 min read
Fussy Eaters
I realise that this is not a sleep related blog post but I am often asked about this topic from worried and stressed parents. If you have...

Gemma Reynolds
Aug 24, 20224 min read
Why won't my baby sleep through the night?
Let me be honest here and we both know that if you are reading this Blog then this is the holy grail of answers for you? I am guessing...

Gemma Reynolds
Jul 31, 20225 min read
Naps are rubbish
Ok, so I do hope that the title does not scare you but I do not mean that naps inherently are rubbish. Naps are AMAZING! Even adults love...

Gemma Reynolds
Jul 26, 20223 min read
False Starts
Let me firstly begin with defining a false start just in case you are not familiar. I am pretty sure that you will have experienced a...

Gemma Reynolds
Jul 16, 20225 min read
8 Tips for Dealing With Jet Lag
So you are traveling across several time zones.... with a baby. I salute you, intrepid traveler, because this is not a task for the weak...

Gemma Reynolds
Jul 12, 20222 min read
Reminders for good sleep hygiene after sleep training has ended
We have a tendency as humans to forget just how bad things were once the memory of the trauma starts to fade. It makes sense, because if...

Gemma Reynolds
Jul 5, 20223 min read
How Light and Darkness Affect Sleep
Do you know what the opposite of nocturnal is? I think we all just know what nocturnal means: Animals that sleep in the day and are awake...

Gemma Reynolds
Jun 28, 20225 min read
Summer Holiday's + Sleep!
The summer holiday's are almost upon us and I am hoping for the best summer ever! We are now getting back to a place where we can all...

Gemma Reynolds
Jun 21, 20224 min read
Twins and Sleep
Congratulations! You are the proud parent of twins! “There are two things in this world that life doesn’t prepare you for. Twins.” Twin...

Gemma Reynolds
Jun 14, 20224 min read
Staying on track when bringing home baby number 2!
Congratulations!! You are either about to or you have recently had another baby, what a lovely and special time for your family! If you...

Gemma Reynolds
Jun 9, 20224 min read
Having a social life after sleep training
Congratulations! You’ve taught your Little Darling some independent sleep skills and they’re finally sleeping through the night and...

Gemma Reynolds
Jun 2, 20224 min read
When is the right time to sleep train?
There are two things I can pretty much guarantee you when it comes to teaching your baby to sleep through the night. It’s going to be a...

Gemma Reynolds
May 26, 20223 min read
Staying Calm
If you are a parent then you have probably raised your voice at your child? I know that I have, I have lost my patience with my little...
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